But this story does not end with the RF domain, moreover, opened the registration process are still a number specific to domestic business nuances. RF domain registration took place in stages. This was due to combat cybersquatting domains to fall into the right hands legitimate owners, not dealers. Therefore, during the pre-registration of the RF domain it could get the owners of trademarks registered in the Cyrillic alphabet. Then there was the so-called priority registration for the same trademark without the Cyrillic alphabet, the media, non-profit organizations, owners of brand names, etc.
June 2010 Habré on this occasion there is a great article about .RF and successes to combat cybersquatting, where afford to spend a couple of points.
Firstly, the “right people” very well able to register their trademarks interesting. In particular company “Center of effective technologies and information systems” CETIS domains were registered trademark, such as sex, hosting, dream interpretation, leisure, plumbing, Ruble, poker, mortgage, house, striptease and others.
And as the goods and services featured quite distanced thing as “handbags” for the first and “brandy; wine “, etc. for the second. Registrar of the first domain REG.RU, which is very closely linked with that same CETIS not only the development of the site registrar, but also because (as Vedomosti) have co-owner of “CETIS” and head Reg.ru, according to SPARK-Interfax, the same surname. By the way, CETIS decorated domains regtaym.su, naunet.su, vebneyms.su.
But this is only the flowers!
Through Ru-Center registered domains: malysh.rf, mir.rf, mechta.rf, profi.rf, malyutka.rf, tigr.rf, druzhok.rf, marina.rf, aysberg.rf, uyut.rf, otkrytie.rf , nostalgiya.rf, rossiyanka.rf, svidanie.rf, superzvezda.rf, zolushka.rf etc.
The owner of the domain Association «MIR» – «Business Association of Afghanistan Veterans WORLD» (adsva-mir.ru). What does the association has data Trademark? Those interested can count the number of registered domains on this organization (1000?).